Forklifts for Sale + Forklift Training — Delta Materials Handling, Inc.





The new OSHA standard requires three phases of training for powered industrial truck operators.

According to OSHA, only trained and authorized operators shall be permitted to operate forklift trucks and recertification is required every three years after your initial certification.

Training occurs every Tuesday at the Memphis office. Company training is flexible and by appointment only.


Training is held every Tuesday from 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM at 4676 Clarke Road Memphis, TN 38141.


Operators will learn how to recognize and avoid situations which could lead to product damage and /or personal injury. Delta Materials Handling can assist you with the first two phases, formal instruction and practical training, mandated by OSHA. The final phase of training, evaluation of the operator's performance in the workplace, is the responsibility of the employer.

Phase One - Formal Instruction:
This classroom section of the training includes a lecture by a knowledgeable, trained and experienced instructor, discussion, a PowerPoint computer presentation, a video presentation, written material and a fifty-question examination.

Phase Two - Practical Training:
This section of the training includes a demonstration of the operator’s daily checklist, obstacle course demonstrations performed by the instructor, obstacle course exercises performed by the trainee and a written evaluation of the operator by the instructor.

Materials Included: 
Copy of written examination
Copy of obstacle course evaluation
Certificate of completion
Operator’s permit card

The standard OSHA compliant training is $125 per person.
Special rates may be available for large classes of company attendees, training done at customer site or frequent users.

Except by special arrangement (such as conducted at customer site), all operator safety training classes will be held at Delta Materials Handling Memphis facility each Tuesday. 

To register for training, fill out the following form:

If you have any questions, email with “Drivers Training Request” in the subject line or call Dale Bostian at (901)795-7230 Ext. 347 or (800)228-0492.


Training is by appointment only on Monday, Thursday or Friday.

The purpose of the Train The Trainer class is to train one or more of your employees to become operator safety trainers at your facility. Through formal classroom instruction and practical hands-on-training attendees will learn all phases of forklift  operations, proper safety guidelines and course training methods.

All classes will be held at the Delta Materials Handling facility in Memphis, TN. At this time we only offer classes for students who read and write English.

Except by special arrangement (such as conducted at customer site), all operator safety training classes will be held at Delta Materials Handling Memphis facility.

The new OSHA standard states, “All operator training and evaluation shall be conducted by persons who have the knowledge, training, and experience to train powered industrial truck operators and evaluate their competence”.

Phase One - Formal Instruction:
This classroom section of the training includes a lecture by a knowledgeable, trained and experienced instructor, discussion, a PowerPoint computer presentation, a video presentation, written material and a fifty-question examination.

Phase Two - Practical Training:
This section of the training includes a demonstration of the operator’s daily checklist, an obstacle course demonstration, and an explanation of the operator evaluation form.

Training materials included (sit-down counterbalanced forklift): 
Delta resource manual
Blank certificate of completion
Instructor’s guide
Blank operator’s permit (with instructions)
Student workbook
Certification of completion plaque

The standard OSHA compliant training is $1,175 for the initial trainer and $400 per additional trainer.
Special rates may be available for large classes of company attendees, training done at customer site, or frequent users of our safety training program(s).

To register for training, fill out the following form:

For more information on operator safety training, e-mail with Drivers Training Request in the subject line or call Dale Bostian (901)795-7230 Ext. 347 or (800)228-0492.

If you have any questions, email with “Drivers Training Request” in the subject line or call Dale Bostian at (901)795-7230 Ext. 347 or (800)228-0492.

  1. The additional equipment training class for order pickers, pallet trucks and reach trucks is held every Wednesday at 4676 Clarke Road Memphis, TN 38141.

  2. You must take the Tuesday sit-down forklift class prior to taking this class. When checking out for the sit-down forklift class, you will select your desired add-ons.

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